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Trends in the trade fair industry

Trade fairs are as diverse as the companies that use them to maintain contact with their customers and business partners. As a stand construction company with many years of experience, we have always been specialists for individual support and tailor-made situations. In the same way, we always keep a close eye on the fundamental developments in the industry.


Not every development is a trend in exhibition stand constructionWe are often asked: "What does the trade fair of the future look like?". And the answer is by no means easy. First of all, among the many almost daily innovations in exhibition stand construction, it is important to identify those that really seem sustainable, rewarding and future-oriented. Only such measure can help to dfurther sharpen the profile of a company.


Design trade fair stands according to the wishes of the customersSo do trade fairs have to set more and more points of interest? Get louder, more colorful, shriller and more ubiquitous? We do not believe in this. Based on the preferences of trade fair visitors, the following recipe for sucess for your own trade fair presence has emerged:

- A clear, open stand structure with an eye-catcher in the focus attracts maximum attention. Ideally, this should concist of the latest product innovation and thus clearly set the exhibition apart from the competition once again.

- Seating is indispensable for a short breather or a longer technical discussion

- Useful give-aways and funky accessories also attract the stream of visitors to the stand

- And of course the quality of the exhibitors has to be high.


These are the criteria according to whicch trade fairs must be organised and trade fair stands designed.



Sustainability is important and elementary

There is currently a strong trend towards greater sustainbility. Climate protection is one of the dominant issues of our time. And here, too, trade fairs, exhibitors and trade fair constructors are equally responsible. And the idea of sustainability must be put into practice every second. This also includes avoiding waste and reusing as many stand elements as possible. We are setting an example here and offer our customers the complete package of tableware for rent, so that environmentally harmful disposable tableware can be dispensed with at this point.


Digitization is the biggest trade fair trendHowever, the biggest trend in the trade fair industry is undoubtedly digitization. However, the folloeing applies: the feasible and reasonable must be used, but any superfluous bells and whistles must be avoided. One thing is clear; customer data is so sensitive that it deserves special attention. With Stashcat from our customer heniekingmedia, professionals like uas use a messenger that is 100 percent DSGVO compliant. In addition, mumerous tools for lead generation and management are now available, such as speedlead from move:elevator.



Trade fair of the future: less is moreWe are convinced that for certain companies a separate trade fair app will be a promising marketing instrument in the future. In addition, it makes sense to use VR wherever it can make highly complex technical processes simple and understandable. But here too, less is more. Of course, customers always want to be entertained. But more entertainment is not foreground at the trade fair and in trade fair construction; it is part of the whole.


Thumbs up for the exhibition constructionYou would like to get to know us ? Our team is always there for you. On the phone, by mail and in the world of social media. On Facebook and Instagram you can find out more about our stand construction company - regular updates that show you our everyday life. Ideas from Herne, created for exciting custormers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and Europe.