Messebau & Messeevents von prisma plan


Our virtual exhibition stand

For almost three decades we have been writing our success story. Now is the time to open another chapter. We invite you to rediscover our company. At this point we would like to offer you new insights behind the scence of our company. This page is supposed to be our vitual booth on the internet. We warmly welcome you to prisma plan. A trafe fair building company with passion.


With passion to a sucessful exhibition appearanceEvery trade fair is different, but they all have one thing in common: Nowhere else is the cotact betwen supplier and customer more immediate, closer and more perosnal. And nowhere else is information sharing and networking so easy. But to really captivate, fascinate and inspire a visitor it requires more than just a good product potfolio. We speak of openness and transparency, of passion and the desire for something special. A sucessfull trade fair appearance reflects the character of your company in all its facetes. That´s the way it should be here.


Exhibition construction is a matter of trustThe best results are achieved in the team. Whenever you can rely on your partner one hundered percent. That is our maxim to the outside and our claim to the inside. We would like to work with you to create the best of all possible stands. From the first strategy meeting to the construction in the exhibition hall, we sit together in the same boat. That´s exactly how we have it in our own ranks. We communicate at eye level, listen and are always open for suggestions. The most important thing in trade fair construction is trust. Trust in one´s own competence, in personal experience, but also trust in a working partnership.


New communication culture before, during and after the fairWith our virtual exhibition stand we open the curtain for a new communication culture. transparency is the guiding principle. Challenge us, test us, watch us. What can you expect at this point ? Look forward to:

- always up-to-date news from the headquarters of a passionate trade fair construction company

- Ideas of our project, which we realized together with our custormers perosnal impressions of our emplyees -  the prisma plan Team, the      architects, craftsmen, fitters, thinkers and creators 

- Background information, trends and opportunities in the areas of trade fairs, trade fair construction, events and exhibition


Thumbs up for the exhibition constructionYou would like to get to know us ? Our team is always there for you. On the phone, by mail and in the world of social media. On Facebook and Instagram you can find out more about our stand construction company - regular updates that show you our everyday life. Ideas from Herne, created for exciting custormers in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany and Europe.